So basically what is a JEJEMON?
What is JEJEMON?
> it can be used as a noun or an adjective
> it actually refers to a person who is found of typing extra unnecessary letter just to make their
conversation more interesting but from the other point of view, simply annoying.
>they are the persons who use 3 as "e", @ as "a", $ as s, and 9 or 6 as letter "g"
> For example:
"eow pFouh!"
"i LLyk 2 kn0w m0re boUt u pFoh!"
"e0wSsZz pOwhhZzmUsZtAhH nUah pOwhHzz kEowHsz?"
and then making a reply to express laugh or taunt like:
>So basically the root word for this "JEJEMON" is the word "jeje" in which it refers to a person
on how he/she expressess his/her laughter and the suffix "mon" may mean monster which refers that a person who uses "jeje" as an expression is a jejemonster and been abbreviated like the famous Pokemon(Pocket Monster) and Digimon(Digital Monster).
>There are also terms that co-exist with jejemon like:
- jejebusters - is a group of internet grammar vigilantes, typically Filipinos, dedicating their internet lives towards the eradication of jejetyping and jejemon existence. Having dangerous links to the grammar nazi, jejebusters enjoy humiliating a jejemon by posting his/her profile on a social networking site, while everyone on the internet laughs, causing unwarranted embarrassment towards the individual caught jejetyping.
- jejemitis - A infectious disease caused by the jejevirus. The disease is contagious. People with low IQ's and have poor skills in spelling are the most susceptible group. This disease is already endemic in some social networks such as friendster. The disease currently spreading to other social networks such as Facebook. Unless stopped, this disease will attain the status of Social Network Pandemic.
1.) Excessive use of Sticky Caps
2.) Replacement of H by J to denote laughter such as jeje and jaja
3.) Spelling which is hard to comprehend
- jejetyping - a form of typing used by jejemons to communicate with one another.
- jejes - are the pure and original form and is claimed to have originated in what we know today as Latin America.
- Jejemonus Filiponensis - Jejemons' scientific name
- Jejebet - is a combination of the English alphabet and counting numbers which, in a strange mix of character substitution, surprisingly makes words that are understandable only to the Jejes and Jejeologists
- Jejeologists - normal people that study Jejemons
- Jejeientists - normal people that study Jeje sciences
- Jejenism - the Jejemon religion; not to be confused with Jejemonism
- Jejemonism - the belief that Jejemons are superior than normal people
- Jejenese language - speaking language of Jejemons together with the Jejebet
>Here are some translation i collected so far...
Normal | Jejemon Translation |
Hello | EOw p0wh |
Musta | muSTA |
Good Morning | gUDam |
Good Noon | Good NOOn |
Good Afternoon | Gudpm |
Kain tayo | kaIN taU |
Kamusta | kmuSTa/qUAmUzxTaH/kAHmUzxTaH |
Care to Text | ceyRtO txT |
Ano name mo | nu nMe mO |
Musta gising mo | mUsTa giSIngU |
pinoy ako | PinoY AQ |
po | p0Wh/pFu/pFuOh |
salamat | slmT |
anong paki mo | NunG Pkiu |
tulog ka na | 2log N U |
hehehe | jEJEje |
hahaha | jajajA |
typing like this | tyPinG lYK Thiz |
Sorry | sOw33/xOwrI33/xOwr33h |
Miss | mIssX/mhIzzX |
ka na | qUana/qUaHnAh |
And as I search the web to know more about this "jejemon" craze, i found this site in which it translate a normal phrase or sentence to a "jejemon" translation.
Check it out:

We Filipinos are very creative. We tend to make our own culture or brand to make us unique. We should not discriminate those person that are referred to as JEJEMON. We should respect their feeling of expression that make them unique.
I don't agree that people who are jejemons have low IQ or referred to as idiots. It's only the way they express their feelings.
No matter how you express your laughter, a "hehehe" or a "jejeje", Laughter is still the best medicine.